Step 01 Select Route
Step 02 Passengers
Step 03 Payment

KrabiKoh Yao Yai


Check-in Information

Klong jilad pier


Customer reviews


When is check-in time?

Please check-in 1 hours and 30 minutes before departure time for route Langkawi to koh lipe.

Could you please tell me about step after check-in ?

You have to show your passport to our staff then wait staff for calling to the ferry.

How should customer do when flight delay at Langkawi to koh lipe?

We have 2 choices 1. Customer have to inform 3 hours before departure time by WhatsApp 085 670 2282 for reschedule time or change departure date. 2. If you want to postpone your trip, you can notify details 3 hours in advance and we will respond within 12 hours.

Do we have limited for quantity and size for luggage?

Customer can take many and all type of luggage.

How about cancellation policy?

Cancellations can also be caused due to bad weather conditions. Announced by Thailand Marine Department. Traveling date can be changed within 24 hours before departure. This Ticket NOT REFUNDABLE.Tickets for Activities or attractions are non-refundable Airport, Limousine or Coach-Transfer service are non-refundable.

How do we book for private land transfer?

You can book on or whatsapp 085 670 2282

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